The black book is a container for small studies for larger pieces and composite photo-drawings. The combinations and recombinations of image fragments find a place on the page or spread and after awhile start conversations with one another. The image above is a combination of crops from a single image of a eutropic man-made desert lake repeated and reversed, became a reflection on unnatural beauty and led to a large piece, Not Giverny. Fragments of images (below) of volleyballs lying randomly on the beach, rearranged themselves into stable geometries. One incorporated a fragment of a dutch painting I’d been working with (lower rt), as did the diptych (middle rt), On Waters Writ, which suggests to me the fluidity of intention. The 1920s black and white photograph of a dancer framed in tiny prints of closeups of plants in my garden, The Uses of Perfection, is a meditation on stilled movement.